20 june


Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them. Simply put it means “fitting the job to the worker”. The Goal of ergonomics is to ‘fit the job to the person,’ rather than making the person fit the job.


  • post-author
    Alens Post author Jan 6, 2018 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

  • post-author
    admin Post author Jan 7, 2018 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

  • post-author
    Andre Post author Nov 11, 2017 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

  • post-author
    admin Post author Nov 12, 2017 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

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