20 june


Every year on the 10th of October, we commemorate World Mental Health Day, a day set aside to raise awareness about mental health issues globally.

The conversation around Mental health has become even more pertinent in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has brought with it changes to the way we live and work along with a significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing of many. Worries about our health, the economy, and uncertainty about the future due to the pandemic are just a few of the issues that can take a toll on our mental health. Amid all these, it is necessary to pause for a moment and consider what we can do to protect and promote our mental health as well as that of others.

The theme for this year is “Mental health care for all, let’s make it a reality”.

To achieve mental health for all, we must first start with mental health for one, you and I because as they say little drops of water make an ocean. When we take care of ourselves then we are in a better position to provide support to others because no one can pour from an empty cup.

Taking Care of Yourself

• Check-in with yourself regularly; “How am I feeling?” Stressed, Tired, Anxious? Sad? Happy? Grateful?
• Ask reflective questions such as: “Why am I feeling this way?” Identifying the reason(s) you feel the way you do is a crucial step towards finding relief or resolution.
• “What can I change and what should I accept?” This allows you to identify an action plan , taking action reduces feelings of helplessness.
• Make time for relationships, rest, and recovery.
• Seek professional help when required. Just as we seek help for physical ailments when we know we have exceeded our capacity for care, we should seek help for mental illness without reservations too.

Looking Out for others

• Pay attention to others by demonstrating empathy and offering a listening ear whenever possible.
• Educate yourself about mental health to get rid of subconscious or conscious biases and stigmatizing behaviour.
• Identify those struggling around you and where possible, counsel them to seek professional help.
• Role model self-care in your day-to-day activities so others can learn from you.

Mental health for all will become a reality only if we work together to make it happen. It begins with you and me.


  • post-author
    Alens Post author Jan 6, 2018 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

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    admin Post author Jan 7, 2018 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

  • post-author
    Andre Post author Nov 11, 2017 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

  • post-author
    admin Post author Nov 12, 2017 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

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