20 june


Following the successful development and deployment of several highly effective COVID-19 vaccines, employers are refocusing their attention on the other elephant in the room, returning to work. The onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic saw most businesses switch to an entirely remote model of working, and as we continue to understand the virus and its many iterations, it appears that more and more people are returning or considering a return to the office.

What is your strategy?

Whether you plan to return to full-time office work, continue telecommuting or adopt a hybrid model, one thing is sure; a plan must be in place to maintain the health, safety, and wellbeing of your workforce. More than ever before, employees are gravitating to workplaces that demonstrate the prioritization of their health and wellbeing. In addition, employers now understand that organizational productivity is a given when employees both feel and see that their wellbeing is as important to their employers as their productivity.

How can we help?

STRIPES will collaborate with you to develop a plan that ensures that your employees return to the office or continue remote or hybrid work with measures in place to guarantee their health and safety. Our bespoke return-to-work plan addresses pertinent issues such as Indoor Air Quality, COVID-19  Infection Prevention Planning, Exposure Preparedness, Ergonomic Assessments of Workstations, Health Needs Assessments, to name a few.

Contact us today for more information!


  • post-author
    Alens Post author Jan 6, 2018 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

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    admin Post author Jan 7, 2018 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

  • post-author
    Andre Post author Nov 11, 2017 Reply

    Quisque semper nunc vitae erat pellentesque, ac placerat arcu consectetur

  • post-author
    admin Post author Nov 12, 2017 Reply

    Quisque orci nibh, porta vitae sagittis sit amet, vehicula vel mauris. Aenean at justo dolor. Fusce ac sapien bibendum, scelerisque libero nec

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